2022-09-21 15:30 - 17:30

  WPAiE: 205 D

[EN] I will tell you a story - narrative as a tool used and abused in politics


dr hab. Paweł Borkowski, prof. UŁa
Uczelnia Łazarskiego

Panel otwarty

In the times of chaos yearning for sense is growing stronger. It opens new oportunities for narrative providers to deliver a story that attracts people, especially whose who lernt not to trust actors whom they considered natural liders. If a narrative offers a chance to express emotions that during times of reigning rationality were forced to be stored in backyard of conscience, there is a chance it will acquire faithfull supporters. Some stories are not considered indispensable any more. There is a need to analyze narratives as tools used by political actors to achieve their goals, especially as European public debate is resembling more and more set of rooms with different storytellers trying to keep a listener in her/his room alone, never to wander and doubt. This process is changing European politics introducing new divides and questtoning old ones (progressive and open - traditional and closed). Is academia ready to deal with this challenge - focus attention from objective "reality" to subjective narratives?  Panelist can focus on:

- actors who are wiling to be champions of stories about Europe

- narratives with the potential of game-changer

- challenges to the reaserch conected with dominating and aspiring narratives

Moderator will be discussing French idea of progressive politization of European integration project. All scholars interested in populism, European public debate, irrationality in politics, postmodernism in political science are  especially invited.


dr Michał Kuź
Uczelnia Łazarskiego

Neomedievalism as a Theoretical Approach in Politics


The paper will focus on identifying neomedievalism as a specific narration within the theoretical discourse concerning modern politics with a special focus on the socio-economic reality emerging after the 2008. The narrative seems to have been reinforced by factors such as growing social inequalities and diminishing power of the middle class within the OCED, urban hosing crisis, the transnational-governance-versus-nation-state-sovereignty  debate and most recently by the COVID-19 pandemic. The proponents of the narrative offer insights that can help adumbrate the terminology for a new political period that can no longer be simply defined as postmodernism. At the same time the notion of new middle or dark ages is deeply rooted within the Western European historical and/or pseudo-historical imagery. This imagery carries some meaning in the Americas and in Australia and Oceania. However, it is less suited to the Asian, African and Russian perceptions of history and politics. Nevertheless, there is some probability that neomedievalism will become a major theatrical narrative within the western political discourse and that with time it will supersede the previous conceptualizations od the present as potmodern.

dr hab. Paweł Borkowski, prof. UŁa
Uczelnia Łazarskiego

Being finally an adult - how to champion the European Union's strategic independence narrative


Kompas strategiczny UE to kolejna odsłona wysików mających na celu przekonanie otoczenia zawnętrznego oraz siebie samej, że jednocząca się Europa jest gotowa działać dojrzale i spójnie w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Poprzednie próby - mające formę inicjowanych polityk czy ogłaszanych z pompą dokumentów - nie powiodły się. Wojna na Ukrainie surowo testuje wszystkie deklaracje o zdolności kształtowania środowiska międzynarodowego. Jakie jest oddziaływanie powrotu wojny na unijną opowieść o woli mocy? Jakie działania powinna podjąc UE aby uwiarygodnić aktualną próbę i sprawić, że zostanie uznana za dorosłą?

dr hab. Olgierd Annusewicz
Uniwersytet Warszawski

War stories. Ukraine's narratives in the face of Russian aggression.


The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a regional military conflict. At the same time, there is an information war of a global nature. From Ukraine's perspective, its aim is to mobilize Western societies and governments to actively support this country. Ukraine's political communication in social media plays an important role in achieving this goal. Due to its massiveness and accessibility, social media allow for a wide reach with the message of the attacked country. At the same time, communication in social media must take into account their specificity, including brevity, imagery and human stories. The topic of the paper will be narratives and myths used in the communication of Ukraine.

profil photo: Filip Tereszkiewicz

dr Filip Tereszkiewicz
Uniwersytet Opolski

The EU strategic compass: a constructivist analysis